Friday, May 17, 2019

Girls & Pies

I know that my last post was about eating healthy so on today's post, I must indulge. It's called BALANCE! ;)

A few weeks ago, my friend and I met up for dessert at Mia's Bakery in Brooklyn. It's a great place to go for delicious baked goods and cafe drinks. It was a spur of the moment decision and as usual, we had a great time together. Although I thoroughly enjoyed the treats that we shared (pictured is a slice of key lime pie, triple berry pie, AND a creme brulee cupcake...*balance*...), my favorite part was being able to catch up with my dear friend who I met a few years ago while swimming at a local YMCA. I'm a pretty shy person but moving to a new city encouraged me to explore my surroundings and try new activities, such as swimming.

Our impromptu 'girls night out' made me reflect on how I have found an awesome group of friends just by being a little brave. Considering that all my family and many of my friends live thousands of miles away, it's nice to know that S & I have built a support system in NY for ourselves and our daughter.

Have you ever been in a situation where you've had to leave your community? How were you able to build a new one? And, what have you learned from getting out of your comfort zone?

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