Wednesday, June 26, 2019

My Baby Shower 6/1/19

Remember before social media and the idea that if you didn't take a photo, it didn't happen? I'm definitely guilty of my share of 'Instagrammable' picture taking but this afternoon was just so special, I didn't even think to take out my phone. As a matter of fact, the photo above (S & I with our lovely hostesses) was taken at the very end of the day when the guests were gone and the packing up was almost over. 

Sometimes it's nice to just be present, in the moment. I have the best memories of this afternoon spent with an amazing group of ladies who wanted to shower me and babygirl with love. It was a lovely spring day with delicious food (preggo friendly deli sandwiches, salad, fruit, cake AND donuts!!!) and great company.

As you may notice, there was a slight rainbow theme to the shower- a dedication to my sweet rainbow baby who I now get to hold in my arms after experiencing the sadness and disappointment ( life and myself...) of multiple miscarriages. 

I may not have a beautifully curated Facebook album to share but the memories of this sweet day live closely in my heart.

My hostess sent me this photo of the custom gold & rainbow themed lollipops- so pretty!

Thursday, June 20, 2019


Born 6/11/2019 @ 6:00am. Baby arrived a few weeks earlier than expected but she's feisty and doing well. We are so in love with her. I'll definitely be posting about her surprising birth story but in the meantime, pardon me while I take some time to adjust to our new and exciting life :)

Monday, June 3, 2019

Surprise Baby Shower

A few days ago, I was on my way to a team meeting with my colleague and when we arrived to our destination, I practically had a heart attack!...In a good way? Haha... My sweet coworkers surprised me with a baby shower! I should have known something was up when the lights were off in the conference room.  We work in such a high stress, busy environment so it meant a lot to me that they took the time out of their crazy schedules to celebrate our baby girl. I'd say one perk of working with social workers is that you're surrounded by such caring and supportive people. I hope baby girl grows up understanding the importance of being nice to others. It really does make the world a better place.