Friday, July 12, 2019

Mommy Fail

When I was pregnant, people loved to take care of me. Think about it- how do you react when you see a baby belly? I felt special because I was the bearer of something important: a new life. I felt loved and protected and I gave all that positive energy to my unborn child.

Nothing prepared me for what happened after my daughter came earth side. I love my beautiful baby but I don't know myself. It's all about her now. I am constantly worried about whether or not I'm doing 'it' right. Will I ever be a good enough mother? 

The other night, my baby was gassy and clearly in a lot of discomfort. I could feel her pain in my heart. After addressing the issue, my husband said something along the lines of 'it's not good that you froze.' I felt like a failure. I couldn't comfort my baby and I wasn't good enough at that moment.

I read somewhere that when a baby is born, a mother is born too. I think it's an important idea to consider when you see a new mom. Whether it's being a new person or a new version of myself, we're both still learning. Kindness and patience are important. 

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